Developer Tools
A collection of free tools to help with your everyday development needs
URL Encoder
EncoderEncode URLs and strings into valid URL format.
URL Decoder
DecoderDecode URL-encoded strings back to readable format.
Base64 Encoder
EncoderConvert text and files to Base64 format.
Base64 Decoder
DecoderDecode Base64 strings to original format.
JSON Formatter
FormatterFormat and validate JSON data with syntax highlighting.
XML Formatter
FormatterFormat XML documents with proper indentation.
SQL Formatter
FormatterFormat SQL queries for better readability.
JavaScript Formatter
FormatterFormat and beautify JavaScript code.
JavaScript Compressor
CompressorMinify JavaScript code to reduce file size.
CSS Formatter
FormatterFormat and beautify CSS stylesheets.
CSS Compressor
CompressorMinify CSS code to optimize loading speed.
SIP Calculator
CalculatorCalculate systematic investment plan returns.
RD Calculator
CalculatorCalculate Post Office Recurring Deposit returns.
KVP Calculator
CalculatorCalculate Kisan Vikas Patra investment returns.
Metal Roofing Calculator
CalculatorCalculate materials needed for metal roofing projects.
Wedding Drink Calculator
CalculatorPlan your wedding bar quantities and costs.
Pizza Calculator
CalculatorCalculate pizza quantities for your party.
Lawn Calculator
CalculatorCalculate lawn materials and maintenance needs.
Dog Pregnancy Calculator
CalculatorTrack dog pregnancy stages and important dates.
CV Score Calculator
CalculatorAnalyze your CV strength and get recommendations.
Texas Child Support Calculator
CalculatorCalculate child support based on Texas guidelines.
Arbitrage Calculator
CalculatorCalculate betting arbitrage opportunities.